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Name, slogan and legend creation for logistic company
- Name:
- Slogan:
- «Attention to people and cargos»
- Brand story:
- Each other year we discover new cities and acquire new friends. We conquer distances and expend the horizons. We travel all over the country in order to let thousands of peole could work comfortably. We deliver messages and cargos carefully in due time. We do it the way you would do it yourself.
Many years' experience of shipment all over Russia has taught us to respect each stage of shipment. First we accurately pack each article, then we carefully handle it ot our car which we seal with lead and ship it to the point of destination.
Our well experienced drivers choose the shortest ways to ship the cargos on schedule.
We know everything about your goods — how to deliver it, where it is, when it will arrive. And we do not hold back information. We provide you with all information so you could control the situation.
Accuracy, high-quality service and professionalism… careful embarking, punctual driving, attention to client's needs… This is the way delivery turn to art. Art of negotiation of distances and time. Art of attention to goods and people. Art of comprehension. This is why our company named Attenta — attentive company. This is why Attenta means careful delivery. - Client:
- «Region-Express TK» (old name)
- Brief:
- naming, logo and brand story creation, promotional strategy
- Positioning:
- attentive delivery company
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